Time Breaks Everything – The Case for Intentional Reinvention
Time Breaks Everything… The Case for Intentional Reinvention. (Pt 1) Why did they computerize my stove? Seriously, was that “Lite-Hi-Med-Lo-Off” thing not working? I’ve said it hundreds of times, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” Right? Well, hold on… as much as I’ve said that, it turns out there is a fatal – yes […]
How Losing Made Me A Winner!
I wish this was a great “David and Goliath” story but it’s not… Goliath won this one.
I spent most of the match on my back, in pain, fighting just to not get pinned.
I lost 17 to 1… they call that a “superior decision.”
The “superior decision” gave McLean five teams points, instead of the six they’d have gotten had I been pinned.
I felt I like an embarrassment to the team, but they welcomed me back to the bench.
But check this out… As a team, we won!
What are three ways you irritate your customers?
No one wants to think they’re irritating their customers, but… if we are… don’t we need to know that?
This is an invitation to revisit your entire business process, your sales process, your customer relations.
Predicting the Future the Easy Way (Part Two)
Look, unpredictable events, good and bad, will happen. In fact, they happen so often that you could say they’re… predictable? The real variable in predicting the future is you.
Predicting the Future the Easy Way (Part 1)
It turns out any of us, even a non-scientific guy like me, can see the future if we’ll learn where and how to look.
A Perfect 2017: Part 4: Seven Secrets To Faster Goal Achievement
This a proven, mega-successful system you can use forever. By now you’ve got a set of about 10-11 goals listed and you’ve created plans for the larger, more detailed goals. Our final step is to speed up the process, right? This is a list of ways to achieve your goals faster than you ever thought possible.
A Perfect 2017 Part 3: Make A Plan For Your Goal
A goal without a plan is just a wish. -Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Many people have goals, few ever create real plans to achieve them. Follow the process below and you’ll be on your way to real transformation. Start by writing the goal at the top of the page…
A Perfect 2017 Part 2: Gettin’ Specific
This is step two in my 4-part Virtuoso Goal Achievement System. Here you’ll take your brainstorming from last week and turn it into specific outcomes, where you want to be by the beginning of 2018. It really works!
Six Easy Steps To A Perfect 2017
How to start 2017 with a clear idea of where you want to be by 2018. This, combined with my next post will give you a clear, empowering plan to create the perfect outcomes in 2017.
Maybe Not Knowing What You Want Is A Good Thing
If you don’t know what you want you have a great opportunity. Here are some questions to help you flesh out what you want for 2017 and beyond…