How Losing Made Me A Winner!

I wish this was a great “David and Goliath” story but it’s not… Goliath won this one.
I spent most of the match on my back, in pain, fighting just to not get pinned.
I lost 17 to 1… they call that a “superior decision.”
The “superior decision” gave McLean five teams points, instead of the six they’d have gotten had I been pinned.
I felt I like an embarrassment to the team, but they welcomed me back to the bench.
But check this out… As a team, we won!
What are three ways you irritate your customers?

No one wants to think they’re irritating their customers, but… if we are… don’t we need to know that?
This is an invitation to revisit your entire business process, your sales process, your customer relations.
Predicting the Future the Easy Way (Part Two)

Look, unpredictable events, good and bad, will happen. In fact, they happen so often that you could say they’re… predictable? The real variable in predicting the future is you.
Predicting the Future the Easy Way (Part 1)

It turns out any of us, even a non-scientific guy like me, can see the future if we’ll learn where and how to look.
A Perfect 2017 Part 3: Make A Plan For Your Goal

A goal without a plan is just a wish. -Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Many people have goals, few ever create real plans to achieve them. Follow the process below and you’ll be on your way to real transformation. Start by writing the goal at the top of the page…
I Need To Be More Like My Beagle. Well, Kinda…

I Need To Be More Like My Beagle… Well, Kinda… We recently adopted a rescue dog, a five-year old Beagle mutt named Daisy. First of all, definitely adopt a rescue dog if you can give it a good home. There is so much need and the love you’ll experience with your family pet is more […]
Err On The Side Of Grace – The Only Way To Change The World

Err On The Side of Grace. The Unlikely and Only Way To Change The World A man got on the subway with four young children who began to misbehave, disturbing the other passengers. It was getting out of hand. Worse, the father seemed distant, not correcting or even seeming to care about his kid’s behavior. (Doesn’t […]
Make Better Financial Decisions By Asking This One Question

I was once in a guitar store with a friend named Mike who was trying out a Taylor T-5. He loved it. It was $1,100. It came down to decision time. The salesman watched Mike and he was not sure. He asked me, “What do you think?” I said, “Well you tell me, is buying this guitar the BEST use of $1100 in your life right now?” It was like the lights went on… NO! He had other family necessities.
Who Packs Your Parachute? The Power Of Serving Without Expectation

Meet Captain Charlie Plumb, a man I am proud to call my friend and mentor. He’s one of the most amazing men I have ever known. Charlie was a fighter pilot in Vietnam, flying 74 successful missions. On his 75th mission, his last before going home to his new wife, Charlie was shot down, parachuted into enemy hands and spent the next six years in a North Vietnamese prison camp being tortured, beaten and isolated in an 8’X8’ cell.
You’ve Heard This But Tell The Truth, Do You Surround Yourself With Greatness?

For the past seven years I have presented my “What If?” Keynote Experience for the Youth Citizenship Seminar at Pepperdine University. 250 high school juniors spend a week living on campus experiencing speakers and activities in a life-changing event. Captain Charlie Plumb, George Foreman, Ben Stein, Darren Kavinoky, Marilyn Sherman, Scott McKain, Tommy Lasorda, and others donate their time and even pay their own travel.