Excellence Is Not Linear, It’s Exponential. The Simple Math Behind Luck and Becoming A Virtuoso

Excellence Is Not Linear, It’s Exponential… The Simple Math Behind Luck and Becoming a Virtuoso. Back when I played more than 1400 bar gigs for $60-90/night, and later more than 1800 college shows, I refused to relegate myself to being background music. Night after night, honing my skills, I made it a challenge to pull […]
Write Bad Songs

Write Bad Songs I used to get horrible #writersblock. Like, write-one-song-in-a-year writer’s block. This was bad considering my career relies completely on creating regularly. There was a reason I was a “struggling” songwriter in Nashville. Writer’s block (and all procrastination) ultimately comes down to one word: FEAR… usually of failure, success, or rejection. I developed […]
The Power of Editing… GET TO THE POINT!

When you use powerful words, instead of a plethora of words, you maximize clarity, impact, and the likelihood of a yes.
Don’t Follow Your Heart, Lead It

Years ago after my presentation for the National Speakers Association about how to get bookings, a very sweet woman, an aspiring speaker, shared that she was having problems getting bookings. I asked what she spoke about and she said (I can’t make this up): “The history of aprons.” Yep, the history of aprons. I asked, […]
How To Discover What Others Are Missing… The “What IF? Mindset.”

Here’s how to discover what others are missing, how to revolutionize with what’s right in fron of you. Every major invention, victory or achievement in human history began in some way or another with a bold, “What IF?” question.
You need the “What IF? Mindset.”
Watch What Others Do, Imitate What Works

Studying what successful people do, how they do it, and copying them is a great formula for success. I am in the middle of a lot of reinvention so, while I may not be perfect, I’ve done it a lot… so perhaps you could observe conceptually what I’m doing and try the same for your career.
Time Breaks Everything… The Case for Intentional Reinvention. (Part 2)

Do people – people like you – need to reinvent? YES! staying still, even when what you’re doing now is working, will leave you behind because, and again… Time Breaks Everything. To remain relevant in your career you’ve got to update and improve your skills.
Time Breaks Everything – The Case for Intentional Reinvention

Time Breaks Everything… The Case for Intentional Reinvention. (Pt 1) Why did they computerize my stove? Seriously, was that “Lite-Hi-Med-Lo-Off” thing not working? I’ve said it hundreds of times, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” Right? Well, hold on… as much as I’ve said that, it turns out there is a fatal – yes […]
How Losing Made Me A Winner!

I wish this was a great “David and Goliath” story but it’s not… Goliath won this one.
I spent most of the match on my back, in pain, fighting just to not get pinned.
I lost 17 to 1… they call that a “superior decision.”
The “superior decision” gave McLean five teams points, instead of the six they’d have gotten had I been pinned.
I felt I like an embarrassment to the team, but they welcomed me back to the bench.
But check this out… As a team, we won!
What are three ways you irritate your customers?

No one wants to think they’re irritating their customers, but… if we are… don’t we need to know that?
This is an invitation to revisit your entire business process, your sales process, your customer relations.