To Be Extraordinary, Be With People Who Are Extraordinary
This week’s tip comes from the four days I just spent in Costa Rica as a member of the Transformational Leadership Council. Members include Jack Canfield (creator of the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series and author of “The Secret”); Dr. John Gray (author of “Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus”); and many others you may have heard of. Everyone is either a NY Times Best-Selling author, a world-class speaker or coach… some kind of thought leader in personal transformation. (I guess I’m kinda “guitar boy”).
It’s All About the Hair… What Cleaning Bathrooms, the Statue of Liberty and Bohemian Rhapsody Have In Common
Years ago when the first helicopter flew over the Statue Of Liberty they saw something they hadn’t expected. The attention to detail on Lady Liberty’s hair was exquisite, just as amazing as the rest of her.
If You Do Things Right, Things Should Go Right, Right? Wrong. Succeed Anyway.
After two cancelled flights, spending the night at O’hare, a delayed flight the next day, and arriving just one hour before my presentation for Nationwide Insurance, this is photo is what I found when I opened my guitar case.
The Insidious Lure of Workaholism and The Divine Concept of 24/6
Umpteen years ago I cut my teeth as an entertainer playing a rough bar in Virginia called the Royal Lee Delicatessen. My passionate, loyal supporters would pack the place every show and I played long sets full of music and mayhem.
Do Not Make Any 2016 Resolutions Until You Read This. I Have A Much Better Way
OK, New Year’s resolutions don’t work and here’s why: They focus completely on a dreaded process, not a desired goal. “I’m going to diet, exercise, quit smoking, go to church, get marriage counseling, work harder,” that sort of thing.
Virtuosos Create A Sense Of Urgency Before ______?
This Extremely Important, Rarely Taught Virtuoso Tip Can Change Your Life. This week for Christmas I am playing in the band at Verve, our church for people who don’t like church (, writing and directing our Christmas Eve “Star Wars meets Rudolph” comedy/song/dance bit (it’s a weird church), and delivering my What If…? Keynote as […]
Don’t Be Like Most People… The Tyranny of Social Proof
Most people in America… Spend more than they make and are in debt, watch 3+ hours of TV per day, don’t like their job, do the least they can, call in sick when they’re not (lying), are overweight and don’t exercise, think only two pay periods ahead, blame others for their problems, donate only a […]
You’re A Slave and You Don’t Even Know It… Break Free.
I was once fined wrongly by my HOA. After the dance of letters and threats back and forth they played the ultimate trump card: “Failure to pay this fine immediately will harm your credit score.” Oh no, not that! What bugs me is, at this point many people concede. I mean, no one can afford […]
How Gratitude Makes You Invincible
It is Thanksgiving night, bellies are full, the game is on, it’s cold outside (even in Las Vegas), and while contemplating all the things for which I’m truly thankful, I made a powerful discovery. Of course the obvious choices for gratitude come to mind – family, friends, life, health, food, shelter, my church, my career, […]
Everyone’s Caught In A Trap, I Know How To Get Out, And You Do, Too
We all have a trap and the moment I say it you’ll agree: Our minds. Our beliefs. “Stinking’ Thinkin’.” We are all limited by the way we think. This is my enemy, too, no one is immune. Most people think they’re trapped by circumstances: “Not enough money or time, too old/young, not smart/talented/pretty enough, etc.” Not […]