How To Discover What Others Are Missing… The “What IF? Mindset.”

Here’s how to discover what others are missing, how to revolutionize with what’s right in fron of you. Every major invention, victory or achievement in human history began in some way or another with a bold, “What IF?” question.
You need the “What IF? Mindset.”
Time Breaks Everything – The Case for Intentional Reinvention

Time Breaks Everything… The Case for Intentional Reinvention. (Pt 1) Why did they computerize my stove? Seriously, was that “Lite-Hi-Med-Lo-Off” thing not working? I’ve said it hundreds of times, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” Right? Well, hold on… as much as I’ve said that, it turns out there is a fatal – yes […]
A Perfect 2017 Part 3: Make A Plan For Your Goal

A goal without a plan is just a wish. -Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Many people have goals, few ever create real plans to achieve them. Follow the process below and you’ll be on your way to real transformation. Start by writing the goal at the top of the page…
Is Your Business Ready For Collapse? Six Signs The End Is Near

Is Your Business Ready For Collapse? Six Signs The End Is Near Trains, typewriters, record albums, record/CD stores, VHS, network news, video rental stores, newspapers, telephones, taxis… All of these are now skeletons (or soon-to-be) in a graveyard of products, services and industries that “didn’t see it coming.” That’s they’re fault. The indicators were there. […]
Ideas Mean Nothing. The Measure of Your Success Is the Measure of Your Ability To ________?

I’ll answer this at the bottom. Don’t skip ahead, read all of it, it’s good. Why in the world would I, a guy who teaches innovation, say ideas mean nothing? To try and disrupt the all-too-common belief that innovation, transformation, and profit are all about ideas. I’ve heard it said that “We live in an idea economy.” Bull. If that’s true, I should own a small country.
Is Your Life Worth Reliving? The Art of Action, and the Action of Art

Sometimes the best tips are not so much answers as questions. I read a great one this week: “If you were doomed to live the same life over and over again for eternity, would you choose the life you are living now?” Would you? If so, keep doing what you’re doing. If not, what are you doing to change that? I think most of us would want to relive some things but rather not relive others…
There Is A DARK SIDE Of My “What If…?” Message. Here It Is…

Many of you know my “What IF…?” keynote is all about becoming more innovative by asking the question, “What if?” When you come up against the impossible instead of backing down, instead ask, “Hey, what if we could do this, how would it happen?”
Worldwide this message has resonated and exploded with great results.
The Freedom To Be Wrong

But that’s exactly what organizations are doing. Their cultural fear of being wrong is killing the very spirit of innovation they say they need. You, your teams, and your entire organization must learn that being wrong isn’t wrong. Not learning and growing from being wrong is wrong.
The Foundation of All Innovation and Problems-Solving

The Foundation of All Innovation, Problem-Solving and Growth… Is Simple My “What If…?” Keynote Explained As a ponderer and thinker of thoughts, I recently stumbled upon what I consider to be the foundation for all innovation, problem-solving, and growth. 1. Imagination. 2. Direction. 3. Action. You imagine the possibilities. From those you choose a direction […]
If You Do Things Right, Things Should Go Right, Right? Wrong. Succeed Anyway.
After two cancelled flights, spending the night at O’hare, a delayed flight the next day, and arriving just one hour before my presentation for Nationwide Insurance, this is photo is what I found when I opened my guitar case.