The most powerful motivational force is not power money, sex, or fame…

It’s a sense of purpose. Something bigger than ourselves. Two insurance agents are walking down the street. A man sees them and asks, “Hey, what do you guys do for a living?” The first agent says, “I sell insurance” The other one looks a little sideways at that answer, turns back and says, “I take care of your family when you can’t. Which one would you want to work with?
Is Your Life Worth Reliving? The Art of Action, and the Action of Art

Sometimes the best tips are not so much answers as questions. I read a great one this week: “If you were doomed to live the same life over and over again for eternity, would you choose the life you are living now?” Would you? If so, keep doing what you’re doing. If not, what are you doing to change that? I think most of us would want to relive some things but rather not relive others…
Who Packs Your Parachute? The Power Of Serving Without Expectation

Meet Captain Charlie Plumb, a man I am proud to call my friend and mentor. He’s one of the most amazing men I have ever known. Charlie was a fighter pilot in Vietnam, flying 74 successful missions. On his 75th mission, his last before going home to his new wife, Charlie was shot down, parachuted into enemy hands and spent the next six years in a North Vietnamese prison camp being tortured, beaten and isolated in an 8’X8’ cell.
The Customer Is NOT Always Right Part 2: What I Love About Uber Is Not What You Think

What we haven’t seen before is, the Uber driver gets to rate you! Your conduct as a customer is ranked by the driver from one to five stars and every other driver gets to see it. Aha. I LOVE this! Soon-to-be-gone are the days of being a snotty customer, treating service providers like slaves. It’s not in every business yet but I predict this will soon spread to other businesses.