What To Do When The Coronavirus Is Over: Create Your Foundation

Now, while your weaknesses and needs are fresh and present, make a plan for what you need to do to shore up and solidify your life’s foundation going forward.
“What IF?” Success Story: How Dr. No and His Entire Company Were Transformed By The What IF Mindset.

How “What IF?” can transform a career, a life, and an organization. In this case it did all three…
“What IF?” vs Nebraska Floods… a GREAT story!

Evan gathered his team together and in the face of flood waters and every adversity said, “The community needs what we sell to recover from this flood. I know this is crazy, but what if we could open today, by 8AM, how would we do it?
Fail Your Way to Mega-Success

Become a failure in your field, and supercharge your results. When I learned whitewater kayaking, my teacher and mentor Bill Clarke said, “If you’re not flipping, you’re not learning.” Flipping is failing. Every day on the river if I wasn’t flipping I pushed harder, tried more, so I could get to failing. And I did […]
One simple daily practice to accelerate your goal achievement

If I could show you a proven method to make your biggest goals actually happen, would you be willing to spend 5 minutes every day on it? https://vip.mikerayburndev.wpengine.com/tools/goal With this simple practice, in five minutes a day (every day) you will drastically accelerate your goal achievement. Are you ready for the secret? It’s so simple… […]
Do You Want To Get Well?

Stop whining, it annoys people.
Stop complaining, it doesn’t change anything.
Stop making excuses, they only justify inaction.
Choose now to get well, decide what that means, and do it.
Excellence Is Not Linear, It’s Exponential. The Simple Math Behind Luck and Becoming A Virtuoso

Excellence Is Not Linear, It’s Exponential… The Simple Math Behind Luck and Becoming a Virtuoso. Back when I played more than 1400 bar gigs for $60-90/night, and later more than 1800 college shows, I refused to relegate myself to being background music. Night after night, honing my skills, I made it a challenge to pull […]
Write Bad Songs

Write Bad Songs I used to get horrible #writersblock. Like, write-one-song-in-a-year writer’s block. This was bad considering my career relies completely on creating regularly. There was a reason I was a “struggling” songwriter in Nashville. Writer’s block (and all procrastination) ultimately comes down to one word: FEAR… usually of failure, success, or rejection. I developed […]
The Power of Editing… GET TO THE POINT!

When you use powerful words, instead of a plethora of words, you maximize clarity, impact, and the likelihood of a yes.
How To Discover What Others Are Missing… The “What IF? Mindset.”

Here’s how to discover what others are missing, how to revolutionize with what’s right in fron of you. Every major invention, victory or achievement in human history began in some way or another with a bold, “What IF?” question.
You need the “What IF? Mindset.”