This One Action Quintupled My Income and Changed My Life: Start a MASTERMIND GROUP

(Yeah, it’s a selfie but I’m stuck on an island alone. Read below) This One Action Quintupled My Income and Changed My Life: Start a MASTERMIND GROUP. We called ourselves “The Starving Motivators.” In 1999 Robin Crow, Jana Stanfield, Tim Bays and I would meet every month, or three weeks, even weekly for a time, […]
You Cannot Truly See Yourself. Two GREAT Ways To Get The RIGHT Input

Surround Yourself With Praise, Accountability, and Praise… It’s Called Grace. My wonderful agent and manager, Christa Haberstock recently wrote an illuminating LinkedIn post about the importance of praise, yet the danger of too much praise and surrounding yourself with “yes people.” As someone who’s experienced both extreme praise and extreme, unloving criticism, I concur. For […]