Don’t Be Like Most People… The Tyranny of Social Proof
Most people in America… Spend more than they make and are in debt, watch 3+ hours of TV per day, don’t like their job, do the least they can, call in sick when they’re not (lying), are overweight and don’t exercise, think only two pay periods ahead, blame others for their problems, donate only a […]
Implosion… To Create Change, Create Room!
We ALL Need A Good Implosion Every Now And Then! (updated from earlier this year). The Setting… I smiled as I watched last year’s implosion of Debbie Reynolds’ Hollywood Hotel (Greek Isles, Clarion) in Las Vegas. It’s “Star Theater” was the quintessential, old-style Vegas showroom. Over the years it’s been home to countless shows including my […]
Eat Your Sacred Cows – Change and Innovation Through Reinvention

Here’s a fun hypothetical: Let’s say you and I worked together regularly up until a few years ago, what idiosyncrasies might you know about me? You’d know that…1. I don’t use guitar effects like reverb and echo. 2. I don’t use techno-gimmicks like powerpoint or video. 3. I don’t enjoy pre-presentation conference calls with clients because I do my homework and I’ll do a great presentation without it.
Implosion! The Key To Innovation, Creativity, and Intentional Change

I smiled as I watched last night’s implosion of Debbie Reynolds’ Hollywood Hotel (Greek Isles, Clarion) in Las Vegas. It’s “Star Theater” was the quintessential, old-style Vegas showroom. Over the years it’s been home to countless shows including my “Mike Rayburn and Friends” show five years ago. I have the distinction of having the last sold out show that theater ever saw! (Sniff, smile).
Break A Leg! Literally…
In show biz, particularly theater they always say “break a leg,” which means, “good luck.” The origins of the phrase are not certain. However, this week for the first time in my life I figured out perhaps a new reason that “break a leg” is truly a wish for success. And to found out I […]
Right? Or Free? Your life is YOURS… Take Responsibility
The path to joy, happiness and an excellent life is to completely forgive the past and take full responsibility for your present and future.