Are You Half-Hearted?

My 15-yr old son, Zach, decided he wants to play hockey (inspired by the Vegas Golden Knights’ success). He passionately wants to play. He (and I) started playing street hockey twice a week. Zach got a stick, a small goal and he practices in our cul-de-sac every afternoon… until after 10PM. He’s going to the gym to […]
Excellence Is Not Linear, It’s Exponential. The Simple Math Behind Luck and Becoming A Virtuoso

Excellence Is Not Linear, It’s Exponential… The Simple Math Behind Luck and Becoming a Virtuoso. Back when I played more than 1400 bar gigs for $60-90/night, and later more than 1800 college shows, I refused to relegate myself to being background music. Night after night, honing my skills, I made it a challenge to pull […]
To Be Extraordinary, Be With People Who Are Extraordinary
This week’s tip comes from the four days I just spent in Costa Rica as a member of the Transformational Leadership Council. Members include Jack Canfield (creator of the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series and author of “The Secret”); Dr. John Gray (author of “Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus”); and many others you may have heard of. Everyone is either a NY Times Best-Selling author, a world-class speaker or coach… some kind of thought leader in personal transformation. (I guess I’m kinda “guitar boy”).
It’s All About the Hair… What Cleaning Bathrooms, the Statue of Liberty and Bohemian Rhapsody Have In Common
Years ago when the first helicopter flew over the Statue Of Liberty they saw something they hadn’t expected. The attention to detail on Lady Liberty’s hair was exquisite, just as amazing as the rest of her.