When you get better, the world gets better…

When learning stops, growth stops, scarcity abounds, and life fades.

When learning grows intentionally, life expands, relationships flourish, and income, abundance and joy multiply.

One of the smartest things the most successful people do is improve themselves. They invest their time and resources in CAMI: Constant And Measurable Improvement.

If you want the best in life, pursue growth, wisdom, knowledge, and self improvement.


Invest in audio programs, online learning, coaching and mentoring.

Seek the sage advice of those who are successful.

I want everyone reading this to turn off Netflix, turn off the X Box and use some of your time for self improvement, learning a new skill, repairing what needs to be repaired.

You probably know, or could find, some awesome ways to do this.

Identify what you know you need to improve about your career and relationships, and make it your passion to come out of quarantine 100% stronger as a person.

On one hand I am glad to advise you, for free via email, of programs I think would be helpful that do not involve me at all.

On the other hand, if I have a solution that might help you, it would be wrong not to at least make it available.

So here it is…! Introducing: “What NOW???”

Please consider enrolling in my “What NOW? How To Reinvent Based On Post-Pandemic Possibilities,” which launches tomorrow! It will happen Apr 21, 22, 21 from 3PM-6PM Eastern/Noon-3PM Pacific.

I want to be your guide in improving your post-pandemic life!

Here is a partial agenda for this powerful, zoom, three-day virtual experience:

You will also get a bonus meeting one week later for follow up questions and to be sure you are on track!

Also, each session will be recorded and those recordings available to you.

Enrollment is…

Masters Level: The pre-work questions, the full What NOW Virtual Experience, and bonus follow up group session. ……….$197

Virtuoso Level: Includes pre-work questions, the full What NOW Virtual Experience, bonus follow up group session, plus lifetime membership in my “What IF Challenge” online learning program; a private, one-hour zoom coaching session with me; and unlimited private email access to me for ongoing questions. ……….$497

Click the button below to enroll immediately!

Whether you enroll in my program or you find another one, do something! Do NOT squander this extraordinary opportunity to improve your life, reinvent, and help create a better world.

Live truly, truly live,


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