What To Do When The Coronavirus Is Over: Create Your Foundation

Now, while your weaknesses and needs are fresh and present, make a plan for what you need to do to shore up and solidify your life’s foundation going forward.
“What IF?” Success Story: How Dr. No and His Entire Company Were Transformed By The What IF Mindset.

How “What IF?” can transform a career, a life, and an organization. In this case it did all three…
“What IF?” vs Nebraska Floods… a GREAT story!

Evan gathered his team together and in the face of flood waters and every adversity said, “The community needs what we sell to recover from this flood. I know this is crazy, but what if we could open today, by 8AM, how would we do it?
I am a crazy dreamer, with dead serious plans.

I am blessed with some musical ability and the “entertainer” gene… But my most important gift is exhortation. Yeah, when my friend, Mark Hollingsworth told me that 20 years ago I said what many of you are thinking: “What’s THAT?” It means it matters to me that the people around me do better. Not just […]
The Power of Not Responding

Above, I was no more proselytizing for Buddha, than I proselytize for Dr. Seuss when I sing “I do not like green eggs and ham” to the tune of “Black Dog.” 🙂
Do You Want To Get Well?

Stop whining, it annoys people.
Stop complaining, it doesn’t change anything.
Stop making excuses, they only justify inaction.
Choose now to get well, decide what that means, and do it.
We Know What Second Nature Is; What Is Your “First Nature?” And Why Is It Critical?

We’ve all heard of something being “Second Nature,” – a skill or habit someone does so well they don’t have to think about it. Walking, tying your shoes, riding a bike, brushing your teeth, speaking your language… are all second nature. So here’s my question… what is First Nature? When I first considered it I had an […]
Take The What IF? Challenge

My What IF? Challenge is 16 powerful sessions with me, each a fun, 3 – 4 1/2 minute video with a carefully chosen “What IF?” question I designed to transform your mindset, open up your possibilities, give you more time, and supercharge your performance.
Your Most Important Skill: Change Your Thinking Habit

Your questions and inner dialogue define the quality of your life and all of your results!” Success in anything – careers, relationships, parenting, health, etc – requires that we continually transform the way we think.
Five Unexpected Reasons You’ll Never Become World Class… and How To Change Them

…there are a number unexpected personal traits that may be keeping you from achieving the success you would otherwise attain.
Are the following traits holding YOU back?