Surround Yourself With Praise, Accountability, and Praise… It’s Called Grace.
My wonderful agent and manager, Christa Haberstock recently wrote an illuminating LinkedIn post about the importance of praise, yet the danger of too much praise and surrounding yourself with “yes people.”
As someone who’s experienced both extreme praise and extreme, unloving criticism, I concur. For my Virtuoso Tip this week, I would like to offer my perspective on this, and two simple ways to create ongoing, loving praise, accountability, and praise again in your life.

First of all you must…
Surround yourself with people who will love you, and hold you accountable… the two are synonymous.
Do not leave this to chance. Proactively seek this in your life.
So, how do you do that?
1. Form a Micro Group. I have a Micro Group of five guys who meet every Monday morning for support, learning and accountability. Verve, our “Church for people who don’t like church” facilitates people forming micro groups here in Las Vegas because they’re such powerful agents of change and growth. Churches and other organizations all over the US and elsewhere actively foster these types of groups, often called “Small Groups.”
2. Form a Mastermind Group. I have a Mastermind Group of four friends who are professional colleagues. The group has a professional emphasis but we support each other in every way needed. We live in different cities across the country so we meet 3-4 times per year in person for a few days, and regularly through email. We celebrate, brainstorm for, and love each other (you know, in the cool, guy kinda way). AND… we hold each other accountable as professionals and as men. (More on Mastermind Groups next week).

The bottom line is no one can truly see themselves. Therefore, valid, loving input is paramount in our lives.
This should also be your criteria for close friends, business partners, and even employees in the right measure.
Knowing that I will be loved, held accountable for my actions, and still loved is irreplaceable in my life. It’s called Grace.
Bono from U2 calls Grace “a thought that changed the world.” I guarantee it will change yours.
Surround yourself with people who’ll love you with a balance of praise, accountability, and praise again. It is invaluable.
How will you act on this today?
Please post this or share it with friends.
Live Truly, Truly Live,