You Were Born For So Much More…
As a Keynote Artist my entire message is that we are all more. YOU are more. More than you’ve ever imagined.
The problem is your potential dwarfs your belief in your potential.
One of my spiritual gifts is “exhortation.” It matters to me that the people around me do better and I love and live to urge and encourage people to become their best selves.
OK, nice. You want to know what my biggest challenge is in my mission? It’s the very people I’m encouraging, their – all of our – limiting beliefs. Whether it’s a friend, attendees at my “Virtuoso You” or “The What If Explosion” live events, at Verve (our Church for people who don’t like church), or my keynote audiences… we are our own worst enemies.
There is a current of disbelief in ourselves running through the world, telling us we are less, that we were meant to fall short, to stop dreaming big… or stop dreaming at all.
I’ll be blunt. It’s a LIE. You are a genius.

This morning, my “Ransomed Heart” devotional reading quoted Marianne Williamson and I had to share it…
How are you “playing small?” How are you selling yourself short because of others?
Do you think it’s time to step up and step out? I do. This message is as much for me as from me.
However you define it, and whatever it means in your life, it’s time to stop selling yourself short, stop living small.
My bet is that as you’ve read this something buried came to mind. What if you acted on that, did something about it? Today.
It’s time to realize that amazing potential God put inside of you.

You were born for so much more…
Live Truly, Truly Live…
PS: I will be announcing the date of my next live event, “The What If Explosion” very soon.