Hey! I recorded a live #Blab with Darren LaCroix; my wife, Tara, and a couple of surprise guests about Virtuoso You, what you will learn and why it’s so important to learn these principles, whether you learn them from us or elsewhere.
(Best viewed in Google Chrome browser).
Become a LIFE VIRTUOSO! Master What Matters using my “Life Virtuoso System.”
Eliminate your limiting beliefs; choose your values and personal mission; set compelling goals and make a real, actionable plan for them; learn simple secrets of faster goal achievement; gain an extra 1-3 hours per day, create Virtuoso Health w/Tara Rayburn; master your finances; then… go WORLD CLASS… learn the very specific traits of those who become world class in their field. It’s fun and very beneficial. Enroll by calling Mary at 702-724-1864 or go to http://www.VirtuosoYou.com (50% discount overall if you enroll before midnight October 5, 2015.