Time Breaks Everything – The Case for Intentional Reinvention

Time Breaks Everything… The Case for Intentional Reinvention. (Pt 1) Why did they computerize my stove? Seriously, was that “Lite-Hi-Med-Lo-Off” thing not working? I’ve said it hundreds of times, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” Right? Well, hold on… as much as I’ve said that, it turns out there is a fatal – yes […]
Is Your Business Ready For Collapse? Six Signs The End Is Near

Is Your Business Ready For Collapse? Six Signs The End Is Near Trains, typewriters, record albums, record/CD stores, VHS, network news, video rental stores, newspapers, telephones, taxis… All of these are now skeletons (or soon-to-be) in a graveyard of products, services and industries that “didn’t see it coming.” That’s they’re fault. The indicators were there. […]