Do You Want To Get Well?

Stop whining, it annoys people.
Stop complaining, it doesn’t change anything.
Stop making excuses, they only justify inaction.
Choose now to get well, decide what that means, and do it.
Five Unexpected Reasons You’ll Never Become World Class… and How To Change Them

…there are a number unexpected personal traits that may be keeping you from achieving the success you would otherwise attain.
Are the following traits holding YOU back?
Make Better Financial Decisions By Asking This One Question

I was once in a guitar store with a friend named Mike who was trying out a Taylor T-5. He loved it. It was $1,100. It came down to decision time. The salesman watched Mike and he was not sure. He asked me, “What do you think?” I said, “Well you tell me, is buying this guitar the BEST use of $1100 in your life right now?” It was like the lights went on… NO! He had other family necessities.
Who Packs Your Parachute? The Power Of Serving Without Expectation

Meet Captain Charlie Plumb, a man I am proud to call my friend and mentor. He’s one of the most amazing men I have ever known. Charlie was a fighter pilot in Vietnam, flying 74 successful missions. On his 75th mission, his last before going home to his new wife, Charlie was shot down, parachuted into enemy hands and spent the next six years in a North Vietnamese prison camp being tortured, beaten and isolated in an 8’X8’ cell.
How To Do Or Change ANYTHING! Really!

If you’re willing to do the work, here’s how to know what work to do. When I get inspired (or convinced) to do or change something one of two things happens: Either I’m hit with an excited jumble of completely unorganized ideas that apply but have no order or process; or I have no ideas whatsoever.