Character – The Most Important Trait Of Highest Performers
Become a person of impeccable character Highest performers, all truly successful people value their character above all else. My definition of character is “the application of excellence to personhood.” Others have said that character is what you do when no one’s looking. Character is how you treat people who can do nothing for you. Character […]
Eat Your Sacred Cows – Change and Innovation Through Reinvention
Here’s a fun hypothetical: Let’s say you and I worked together regularly up until a few years ago, what idiosyncrasies might you know about me? You’d know that…1. I don’t use guitar effects like reverb and echo. 2. I don’t use techno-gimmicks like powerpoint or video. 3. I don’t enjoy pre-presentation conference calls with clients because I do my homework and I’ll do a great presentation without it.
Magic Johnson – Success and Wisdom From A Life Virtuoso Part One
This past October I was blessed to speak for the second time for Telogis, an awesome mobile asset tracking company. What a surprise when they said, “Mike, you’ll share the stage with Magic Johnson.” As a Keynote Artist and student of success, I take copious notes and learn from every speaker and entertainer I experience. Magic Johnson was a wealth of success wisdom!
Implosion! The Key To Innovation, Creativity, and Intentional Change
I smiled as I watched last night’s implosion of Debbie Reynolds’ Hollywood Hotel (Greek Isles, Clarion) in Las Vegas. It’s “Star Theater” was the quintessential, old-style Vegas showroom. Over the years it’s been home to countless shows including my “Mike Rayburn and Friends” show five years ago. I have the distinction of having the last sold out show that theater ever saw! (Sniff, smile).
How To Do Or Change ANYTHING! Really!
If you’re willing to do the work, here’s how to know what work to do. When I get inspired (or convinced) to do or change something one of two things happens: Either I’m hit with an excited jumble of completely unorganized ideas that apply but have no order or process; or I have no ideas whatsoever.
Wealth, Welfare, and the “Something For Nothing” Myth
Wealth, Welfare, and a New Word: Flucrative. I made a cool typo I just discovered this morning. Writing the word “lucrative” I somehow put an “F” in front, “Flucrative.” Joking to my wife, I almost passed it off until it dawned on me, it’s the perfect word for a profoundly important principle.
The Mastery Mindset: Expect To Be Great, Do What Great People Do!
Ok, I searched my heart before sharing this. It is a prerequisite for success to be honest about one’s mistakes and failures. But is it not just as important to be honest about what works and share it? At cursory glance the following might seem self-proud, but I assure you, that is not what I feel. I am interested in lots of things… sports, places, people, acquiring different skills. I am blessed with usually being good at them. Someone recently asked me how that works and here is what I realized…
Resolutions SUCK! The Secret To Creating The Perfect 2015…
What if 2015 was PERFECT, what would it look like? It’s become hip, especially with motivational keynote speakers like me, to dis and ditch New Years Resolutions. Well, there’s a reason for that: They don’t work! I think I know why. New years resolutions are about processes. “I’m going to diet, exercise, quit smoking, go to church, make more money,” that sort of thing. If those are all worthy resolutions, why do so many people abandon them before January is over?
“The Content Of His Character” – Dr. Martin Luther King – Is anyone listening?
Dr. Martin Luther King has the solution we need, right now, but is anyone still listening? I believe his solution could change all race relations, reduce crime, and heal most of what’s broken in our society. Dr. King asked simply that a person not be judged by anything other than “the content of his character.” Not race, religion, gender, education, sexual preference, just who you are.
Ferguson, Michael Brown, and Becoming A Virtuoso
“Each person must live their life as a model for others.”-Rosa Parks. As a keynote speaker and writer I exhort people to make the choice to Become a “Virtuoso,” to create and live their highest vision of themselves in every area of life. So, what in the world does Becoming a Virtuoso have to do with Michael Brown and Ferguson, MO?