Take The What IF? Challenge

My What IF? Challenge is 16 powerful sessions with me, each a fun, 3 – 4 1/2 minute video with a carefully chosen “What IF?” question I designed to transform your mindset, open up your possibilities, give you more time, and supercharge your performance.

Your Most Important Skill: Change Your Thinking Habit

Your questions and inner dialogue define the quality of your life and all of your results!” Success in anything – careers, relationships, parenting, health, etc – requires that we continually transform the way we think. 

Write Bad Songs

A hug from George Foreman

Write Bad Songs I used to get horrible #writersblock. Like, write-one-song-in-a-year writer’s block.  This was bad considering my career relies completely on creating regularly.  There was a reason I was a “struggling” songwriter in Nashville.  Writer’s block (and all procrastination) ultimately comes down to one word: FEAR… usually of failure, success, or rejection.  I developed […]

Don’t Follow Your Heart, Lead It

Years ago after my presentation for the National Speakers Association about how to get bookings, a very sweet woman, an aspiring speaker, shared that she was having problems getting bookings. I asked what she spoke about and she said (I can’t make this up): “The history of aprons.” Yep, the history of aprons. I asked, […]

Watch What Others Do, Imitate What Works

Studying what successful people do, how they do it, and copying them is a great formula for success. I am in the middle of a lot of reinvention so, while I may not be perfect, I’ve done it a lot… so perhaps you could observe conceptually what I’m doing and try the same for your career.